Voting Day was an inevitable agony when I used to enter the polling booth with two young, rambunctious sons. Not only was I afraid my toddler would wander aimlessly through the building if I didn’t clutch his hand tightly to keep him reined in, but I was even more afraid that my indefatigable and excessively […]
Keep reading >>Voting Day was an inevitable agony when I used to enter the polling booth with two young, rambunctious sons. Not only was I afraid my toddler would wander aimlessly through the building if I didn’t clutch his hand tightly to keep him reined in, but I was even more afraid that my indefatigable and excessively […]
Keep reading >>Trudging along at a near-snail pace at the Marine Corps Marathon on Sunday, I saw this sign along the 26.2 mile course. Whoever wrote that sign certainly meant it for a different Ann, but heck! I claimed it as my own, smiled, and continued to trudge along with slightly renewed vigor. That’s the great thing […]
Keep reading >>Weird. Since I posted my last blog ten days ago, (Congressman Murphy Throw Me a Bone) my email Inbox has been inundated with constant warnings that someone had tried and failed to log into my website. Thousands of warnings. My email was so clogged, I could barely pick out legitimate emails. I was so overwhelmed […]
Keep reading >>I ran past my United States Congressman the other day. It’s true. I was running in one direction on the Montour Trail and my duly elected representative in Congress, otherwise known as Rep. Tim Murphy, R-Pa, was running in the opposite direction. He smiled and half-nodded as he passed, which I interpreted as an elected […]
Keep reading >>I made the mistake of recently telling a friend that my long-term health care plan was to stay healthy because I didn’t like going to the doctor. Since I uttered those perilous, knock-on-wood words, I’ve been to the emergency room twice. Three weeks ago, I landed in the ER after I tripped while running at […]
Keep reading >>The doctor examined my leg injury today and asked, “What hospital did you go to?” “St Clair Emergency,” I replied. He looked closely at the nearly five inches of skin on my thigh that is still healing, scabby, purple and scarred. “That was not an easy laceration to fix. Whoever did those stitches did a […]
Keep reading >>I miss hippies. Well, maybe not the flag-burning, psychedelic mushroom-consuming protesters of the Sixties era. I miss the peace, love, “live and let live” ideals of the Hippie Movement. “Everyone is beautiful in their own way,” sang Ray Stevens. So what if it’s a cliché? I don’t care if the Hippie Movement was a social, […]
Keep reading >>“Have you ever had stitches before?” Pat asked me this morning as I sat in the ER waiting for Mike, the friendly Physician’s Assistant, to come back with needles, sutures, gauze, scissors and whatever else he was going to need to address the large, gaping laceration on my left thigh. I had to think about […]
Keep reading >>If you need to get in touch with Ann or have a question about her book, writings or to schedule an interview, please use the form to submit your request.
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