Category: Confessions of.a Do-Gooder

Due Date Disaster

Due Date Disaster

“Oh my God,” I whispered to my husband, shaking my head in shame. “I can never show my face again.” This was over a year ago and we were at a downtown restaurant to attend a surprise birthday party for one of his colleagues. I was congregating with a group of women, many of which […]

Juror Summons

Juror Summons

  Right before Christmas, I got this in the mail. “Dear Citizen,” it read. “By the order of the Honorable President Judge, you are hereby summoned to appear for jury service in the Court of Common Pleas.” This was my reaction: YAY! A lot of people might think that’s a weird response, because almost everyone […]

My New Year’s Non-Resolution

My New Year’s Non-Resolution

I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions for the same reason I don’t believe in low-carb diets.  They are both impossible to maintain. I can’t trick myself into better habits or behavior by resolving to do less or more of something every January 1st.  By Groundhog Day, I’m ready to revert back to my usual […]

Mum’s Presents and Bows and My Gift-Wrapping Woes

Mum’s Presents and Bows and My Gift-Wrapping Woes

My mother is an expert gift-wrapper. She has a long history of folding and taping the corners of a box so tight you can barely find a corner unfortified enough to slit open with a pair of scissors to unwrap it. For many of my childhood years, my mother also made her own bows. She […]

Coffee, Beer and Roasted Cacao Seeds

Coffee, Beer and Roasted Cacao Seeds

We’re back… safe, sound and grateful for every minute of our Southern Caribbean cruise aboard the beautiful Celebrity Equinox. For 11 days, I woke up every morning in a state of eager excitement because I knew every day was going to be a fabulous adventure. In Grand Cayman, my husband and I snorkeled at 7 […]

Cruise Control

As I write this, I am sitting inside a warm car, zipping down the highway at 70 mph on my way to visit family for Thanksgiving. (Don’t worry, my husband is driving.) It’s 38 degrees outside, cloudy, and my toes are cold from taking Sparky for a walk at a rest stop. As you read […]

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